
Field of Poppies

Good Morning!

Did everyone "Fall Back" this weekend? I did and I'm having a bit of a hard time getting myself back up again!! I don't get it...any small adjustment to my sleeping schedule and I'm ready for a nap at 11am. esh.

That being said, I think that it's all too appropriate that Doug greeted me this morning with a fabulous new image of a field of poppies which he photographed while in Europe. Throughout history poppies have symbolized both imagination and eternal sleep. Lets hope these poppies represent Doug's eternal imagination and I'll keep my fingers crossed that my coffee kicks in soon.

And with that I present to you....a field of poppies. (Actual title TBA)

If you'd like more information on this print....shoot me an email at: Molly@Landrethstudios.com

To see it a little larger...click on it!

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